Install PedigreePoint - Step 2

Customise PHP Scripts

In a previous step you had unzipped the installer file, "" into an empty folder on your computer. In this step we modify one of the PHP script files - namely pp_config.php which needs to be modified to suit your web site. In first part of the pp_config.php looks something like the following:

$DatabaseName = "pedpoint";
$DatabaseAccount = "web";
$DatabasePassword = "web";
$DatabaseHost = "localhost";
$szEncryptionKey = "XXXXXXXXX"; // It is used when creating a URL for "Pedigree w/o Links"
//A typical URL would look like
// Such links can be emailed or placed on web pages so others can view a pedigree without logging in.
$szMailRecipient = "";// 
set to your email address!!
$szLoaderPassword = "set this"//  it will be used 
from Pedigree Publisher to single click update
$TableNames = "";// e.g. pedigree:Pedigree"; // list of tables for Search, AdvancedSearch and Trial Pedigrees
// Each table in the list must be separated by a semicolon and should consist of: tableName:tableDescription.
// E.g. "shetland:Shetland Sheepdog;nova:Novascotia Duck Tolling Retriever"
// Leave blank if you want the list of table names and descriptions to come from your 'dbtables' table.

$szPhotoPath = "/Images/"; # this is prefixed to all photo paths
$nDaysToKeepLogs = 60;// activity older than this many days is deleted from the logs

$bUsersMustLogin = true;// set this true if you want to force users to login with an account and password
$bRecordActivity = true;// set this true if you want to record user activity in the activity table, e.g. what reports they run
                        // and search strings they use
$bLimitNumberOfReports = false;// set true if you want to limit the number of reports a user can run per day


The first four parameters must now be set based on what database and account you created in the previous step. Additional parameters which affect the appearance of your web site or the reports are as follows:

$szWebSiteName = "Web Site Name";
$szWebSiteOwner = "Data Owner"; //(Data Owner)
$szWebSiteBreeds = "breed"; // THIS MUST BE SET
$szMailRecipient = "emailaddress";   // change this to your email so you can receive emails
$szLocation = "the USA, State of TX"; // CKW- location for legal proceedings
$szCRYears = '2013 -' . date('Y'); // CKW - Start year through current year for copyright notices
$szTimezone = "America/Indiana/Knox";// see
$szSponsorCredits	= "This online database hosted by $szWebSiteName.  Copyright $szCRYears ";  

$nPhotoHeight = 150;// Pixel width of photo displayed in Pedigree
$nPictureGens = 2;// set to the number of generations (starting from parents) to include photos
$szDateFormat = "%d %b %Y";
$nMaxSearchResults = 100; // Number of search results returned per page
$bShowSireDam = false;// Set this to 1 show sire and dam in the search results.
$szVerticalPedField = ', dob, color';// change this to one or more fields which you want to display
// at the end of a name in the Full siblings part of a vertical pedigree, e.g.
// to show three fields change this to ',pretitle, posttitle, regno' (note there must be
// one comma before each field name).
$bColorizeRepeatedAncestor=true;// set true/false - true to show a unique background color for repeated ancestors

Transfer scripts to web site

From the Control Panel, click on the "File manager" and use it to create a "PedPoint" folder, then copy the .php and .htm files from the installation package to that folder. You may need to chmod the .php files so they have execute permission. The web site software is now installed. You will not need to repeat these steps again . To upload your data see the following section.

Checking the installation

Two of the PHP scripts, test1.php and test2.php can be used to check that you have correctly installed PedPoint.

First run test1.php by simply typing the complete URL into a browser. If your web site is "" then the URL you need to type is "". If this is test is succesful it will return "PedPoint Test1 successful". This indicates that you can run a PHP script on this site and that this file has the appropriate execute permission (set using chmod command in the FTP program).

Next run test2.php. If this is successful it will return something like "PedPoint Test2 successful - there were 9346 rows in the pedigree table". As you may not have uploaded any data this will probably be 0. If successful it indicates that 
- the database name, host, account and password are correct
- you have MySQL installed correctly
- you have the pedigree table installed correctly

To find out how to transfer you files click here.